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Image Consulting Program
Module 0: General Information and Documents
Student Agreement
Learner Handbook
Sample Certificates
Assignment Guide for Image Topics
Module 1: Art and Science of Creating First Impressions
Video: Art and Science of Creating First Impressions 1 (187:16)
Video: Art and Science of Creating First Impressions 2 (99:35)
Video: Art and Science of Creating First Impressions 3 (99:08)
PDF: Art and Science of Creating First Impressions book
PDF: How do you feel about your body image?
Module 2: Presenting a Winning Appearance
Video : Presenting a Winning Appearance 1 (127:26)
Video : Presenting a Winning Appearance 2 (81:38)
Video : Presenting a Winning Appearance 3 (139:13)
Video : Presenting a Winning Appearance 4 (75:04)
Face Shape handout
Presenting A Winning Appearance Session Handout (1)
Module 3: Vocal Verbal Communication
1)_Vocal_1_Aroop_Day_1_Part_A (112:19)
2)_Vocal_1_Aroop_Day_1_Part_B (91:16)
3)_Vocal_1_Aroop_Day_2_Part_A (106:59)
4)_Vocal_1_Aroop_Day_2_Part_B (94:31)
5)_Vocal_2_Day_3_Part_A (117:59)
6)_Vocal_2_Day_3_Part_B (75:49)
7)_Vocal_2_Day_4_Part_A (115:19)
8)_Vocal_2_Aroop_Day_4_Part_B (98:36)
Talk Right - Communication style questionnaire
The case of MILKY WAY_Participants
The CommunicationBarrier exercise_Participants
Vocal and Verbal Communication
Module 4 & 5: Business General and Dining Etiquette
Video: General and Business Etiquette - Part 1 (83:41)
Video: General and Business Etiquette - Part 2 (102:26)
Video: General and Business Etiquette - Part 3 (98:36)
Video: General and Business Etiquette - Part 4 (99:34)
PPT: General and Business Etiquette
PDF: Learner handout
PDF: Cubicle Etiquette Quiz - Slide 41
PDF: General Etiquette Quiz - Slide 10
PDF: Handshake Etiquette Quiz - Slide 15
Video: Dining Etiquette - Part 1 (117:17)
Video: Dining Etiquette - Part 2 (64:22)
Video: Dining Etiquette - Part 3 (117:50)
Video: Dining Etiquette - Part 4 (62:30)
PPT: Dining Etiquette
PDF: Dining Etiquette learner handout
PDF: Eti-quiz
PDF: Test your memory - Table layout
PDF: Test your memory - Table layout (Answers)
PDF: Video links
Module 6: Goal Settings
Goal Setting - 1 (91:06)
Goal Setting - 2 (74:13)
Goal Setting -3 (87:08)
Goal Setting - 4 (102:31)
Module 7: Inter-Personal skills-1 & 2
IPR - 1 -1 (103:39)
IPR - 1 -2 (69:01)
IPR -2- 1 (74:08)
IPR -2 -2 (75:38)
IPR -3 -1 (131:00)
IPR -3 -2 (66:38)
IPR - 4-1 (110:57)
IPR - 4-2 (68:45)
Cognitive Style Self Scoring Inventory -MBTI-Adter slide 325
Interpersonal Skills - 30-9-22
Johari Adjectives
You and Others-After Slide 133
Module 8: Emotional Intelligence
EI-1 (146:03)
EI-2 (74:24)
EI-3 (130:40)
EI-4 (94:33)
Emotional Intelligence and Empathy_merged_05-04-24
Emotional Quotient - Test your EQ Level
How Emotional are you
Module 9: Time and Stress Management
Time and Stress -1 (111:42)
Time and Stress - 2 (79:59)
Time and Stress - 3 (119:52)
Time and Stress - 4 (95:47)
Are you stressed-Questionnaire
Stress and Time Management-29-9-22
Stress Management - Are you Stressed Out
Time Management - The Urgency Index
Time Management Quiz
Module 10: Interview Skills
Interview Skills -1 (120:15)
Interview Skills - 2 (106:24)
Interview Skills -3 (129:58)
Interview Skills -4 (105:20)
Module 11: Body Language
Video: Body Language 1 - Part 1 (111:57)
Video: Body Language 1 - Part 2 (103:03)
Video: Body Language 1 - Part 3 (124:17)
Video: Body Language 1 - Part 4 (100:14)
Video: Body Language 2 - Part 1 (120:50)
Video: Body Language 2 - Part 2 (115:11)
Video: Body Language 2 - Part 3 (125:09)
Video: Body Language 2 - Part 4 (46:11)
PPT: Add On - Body Language Participant Manual
PPT: Add On-Body Language Trainer Manual
PDF: Body Language - Handout
PPT: Body Language - Day 1 of 2 Day
PPT: Body Language - Day 2 of 2 Day
PDF: Body Language Quiz (Body Talk -2)
PDF: Video links
Module 1: Clothes Power
Video: Clothes Power 1 (119:47)
Video: Clothes Power 2 (66:49)
Video: Clothes Power 3 (105:27)
Video: Clothes Power 4 (73:04)
PDF: Clothes Power book
PDF: 12 Wardrobe Strategies with Symbols
PDF: 12 Wardrobe Strategies without Symbols
PDF: Illustrated wardrobe strategies Indian version
PDF: Clothes Power Messages Activity
PDF: Style Scale front and back
PDF: Demonstrative teaching document
PDF: Top sorts
PDF: Value sorts
Module 2: Art in Everyday Dress
Video: Art in Everyday Dress 1 (127:31)
Video: Art in Everyday Dress 2 (113:28)
Video: Art in Everyday Dress 3 (131:08)
Video: Art in Everyday Dress 4 (106:23)
PDF: Art in Everyday Dress book
Recap, Revise and Relearn: Clothes Power and Art in Everyday Dress
Video: Recap, Revise and Relearn: Clothes Power and Art in Everyday Dress 1 (121:24)
Video: Recap, Revise and Relearn: Clothes Power and Art in Everyday Dress 2 (133:14)
Module 3: Line and Shape
Video: Line and Shape 1 (100:36)
Video: Line and Shape 2 (102:21)
Video: Line and Shape 3 (118:29)
Video: Line and Shape 4 (86:26)
Video: Line and Shape 5 (116:53)
Video: Line and Shape 6 (82:19)
Video: Line and Shape 7 (100:26)
Video: Line and Shape 8 (102:44)
PDF: Line book
PDF: Shape book
PDF: Maternity Matters
PDF: Line sorts
PDF: Body Shape sorts - Men and women
Recap, Revise and Relearn: Line and Shape
Video: Recap, Revise and Relearn: Line and Shape 1 (107:05)
Video: Recap, Revise and Relearn: Line and Shape 2 (151:11)
Q&A (Clothes Power, Art in Everyday Dress, Line, and Shape)
Video: Q&A 1 (141:36)
Video: Q&A 2 (86:13)
Module 4: Color
Video: Color 1 (101:34)
Video: Color 2 (135:40)
Video: Color 3 (92:26)
Video: Color 4 (137:13)
Video: Color 5 (132:16)
Video: Color 6 (43:48)
Video: Color 7 (108:53)
Video: Color 8 (123:44)
PDF: Color book
PDF: Some Color Names booklet
PDF: Personal Color Charts filled samples
PDF: Color sorts
Module 5: Fabric, Texture, and Pattern
Video: Fabric, Texture, and Pattern 1 (146:10)
Video: Fabric, Texture, and Pattern 2 (81:53)
Video: Fabric, Texture, and Pattern 3 (127:05)
Video: Fabric, Texture, and Pattern 4 (77:14)
Video: Pattern 5 (122:58)
Video: Pattern 6 (79:50)
PDF: Fabric, Texture, and Pattern book
PDF: Pattern sorts
Recap, Revise and Relearn: Color and Fabric, Texture, and Pattern
Video: Recap, Revise and Relearn: Color and Fabric, Texture, and Pattern 1 (117:29)
Video: Recap, Revise and Relearn: Color and Fabric, Texture, and Pattern 2 (136:40)
Video: Recap, Revise and Relearn: Color and Fabric, Texture, and Pattern 3 (140:22)
Video: Recap, Revise and Relearn: Color and Fabric, Texture, and Pattern 4 (95:57)
Q&A (Color, Fabric, Texture, and Pattern)
Video: Q&A 1 (150:00)
Video: Q&A 2 (90:41)
Module 6: Wardrobe Evaluation, Closet Organization, and Smart Shopping
Video: Wardrobe Evaluation, Closet Organization, and Smart Shopping 1 (125:19)
Video: Wardrobe Evaluation, Closet Organization, and Smart Shopping 2 (91:14)
Video: Wardrobe Evaluation, Closet Organization, and Smart Shopping 3 (132:21)
Video: Wardrobe Evaluation, Closet Organization, and Smart Shopping 4 (93:37)
PDF: Shoe sorts
PDF: Wardrobe Evaluation book
PDF: Closet Organization and Smart Shopping book
Module 7: Face Shape Evaluation and Makeup and Grooming
Video: Face Shape Evaluation and Makeup and Grooming 1 (96:38)
Video: Face Shape Evaluation and Makeup and Grooming 2 (107:38)
Video: Face Shape Evaluation and Makeup and Grooming 3 (115:47)
Video: Face Shape Evaluation and Makeup and Grooming 4 (118:00)
Video: Face Shape Evaluation and Makeup and Grooming 5 (117:03)
Video: Face Shape Evaluation and Makeup and Grooming 6 (108:19)
Video: Face Shape Evaluation and Makeup and Grooming 7 (119:18)
Video: Face Shape Evaluation and Makeup and Grooming 8 (118:27)
PDF: Face Shape Evaluation book
Doc: Face Shape Evaluation Procedure document
PDF: Art of Accessorizing
PDF: Makeover Clinic
Excel: Makeup list
PDF: ICBI Makeup Rules and Guidelines
Module 8: Personal Style
Video: Personal Style 1 (133:20)
Video: Personal Style 2 (101:24)
Video: Personal Style 3 (81:22)
Video: Personal Style 4 (154:33)
Video: Personal Style 5 (141:43)
Video: Personal Style 6 (98:54)
PDF: Personal Style book
PDF: QRG - Men
PDF: QRG - Women
PDF: Lifestyle Personal Style Filled Samples book
PDF: Yin Yang sorts
Module 9: World of Styling
Video: World of Styling 1 (117:12)
Video: World of Styling 2 (110:00)
Video: World of Styling 3 (111:51)
Video: World of Styling 4 (112:03)
Video: World of Styling 5 (131:28)
Video: World of Styling 6 (96:02)
Video: World of Styling 7 (120:26)
Video: World of Styling 8 (108:32)
PDF: World of Styling book
PDF: Style Guide for Women
PDF: Dress Code Policy
Excel: List of Brand Names
Module 10: Cluster
Video: Cluster 1 (113:00)
Video: Cluster 2 (111:58)
Video: Cluster 3 (90:29)
Video: Cluster 4 (123:57)
PDF: Cluster book
Recap, Revise and Relearn: Personal Style, Cluster, and Wardrobe Evaluation
Video: Recap, Revise and Relearn: Personal Style, Cluster, and Wardrobe Evaluation 1 (129:07)
Video: Recap, Revise and Relearn: Personal Style, Cluster, and Wardrobe Evaluation 2 (116:35)
Video: Recap, Revise and Relearn: Personal Style, Cluster, and Wardrobe Evaluation 3 (103:18)
Video: Recap, Revise and Relearn: Personal Style, Cluster, and Wardrobe Evaluation 4 (131:08)
Recap, Revise and Relearn: Closet Organisation and Smart Shopping
Video: Recap, Revise and Relearn: Closet Organisation and Smart Shopping 1 (121:37)
Video: Recap, Revise and Relearn: Closet Organisation and Smart Shopping 2 (123:40)
Q&A (Styling, Personal Style, Cluster, Wardrobe Evaluation, Closet Organization, and Smart Shopping)
Video: Q&A 1 (129:22)
Video: Q&A 2 (92:01)
Module 11 A : One on One Consultation Image scope
Video : One on One Consultation Image scope 1 (137:35)
Video : One on One Consultation Image scope 2 (63:21)
Module 11: Mock - Lifestyle
Video: Mock - Lifestyle 1 (131:20)
Video: Mock - Lifestyle 2 (82:29)
Video: Mock - Lifestyle 3 (107:33)
Video: Mock - Lifestyle 4 (39:10)
PDF: Lifestyle Clinic
PDF: Image scope - Check your Image Quotient - Others
PDF: Image scope - Client Copy
PDF: Image scope - Consultant Copy
PDF: Image scope - Session notes
PPT Mock: Image Scope and Lifestyle
Module 12: Mock - Personal Style
Video: Mock - Personal Style 1 (131:29)
Video: Mock - Personal Style 2 (70:40)
Video: Mock - Personal Style 3 (90:36)
Video: Mock - Personal Style 4 (29:27)
PDF: Personal Style clinic - Men
PDF: Personal Style clinic - Women
PPT Mock: Personal Style
Module 13: Mock - Fit and Fashion
Video: Mock - Fit and Fashion 1 (137:11)
Video: Mock - Fit and Fashion 2 (56:57)
Video: Mock - Fit and Fashion 3 (70:08)
Video: Mock - Fit and Fashion 4 (44:40)
PDF: Fit and Fashion clinic
PPT Mock: Fit and Fashion
Module 14: Mock - Color
Video: Mock - Color 1 (133:14)
Video: Mock - Color 2 (78:29)
Video: Mock - Color 3 (66:50)
Video: Mock - Color 4 (31:43)
PDF: Color clinic
PPT Mock: Color
Module 15: Mock - Wardrobe Evaluation and Cluster
Video: Mock - Wardrobe Evaluation and Cluster 1 (122:29)
Video: Mock - Wardrobe Evaluation and Cluster 2 (79:27)
Video: Mock - Wardrobe Evaluation and Cluster 3 (76:31)
Video: Mock - Wardrobe Evaluation and Cluster 4 (45:25)
PDF: Cluster and Wardrobe Evaluation clinic - Men
PDF: Cluster and Wardrobe Evaluation clinic - Women
PPT Mock: Wardrobe and Cluster Clinic
Public Speaking, Presentation Skills, Training and Delivery Skills including TNA
Video: Public Speaking, Presentation Skills, Training and Delivery Skills including TNA - Part 1 (131:42)
Video: Public Speaking, Presentation Skills, Training and Delivery Skills including TNA - Part 2 (107:58)
Video: Public Speaking, Presentation Skills, Training and Delivery Skills including TNA - Part 3 (135:47)
Video: Public Speaking, Presentation Skills, Training and Delivery Skills including TNA - Part 4 (97:29)
Video: Public Speaking, Presentation Skills, Training and Delivery Skills including TNA - Part 5 (129:31)
Video: Public Speaking, Presentation Skills, Training and Delivery Skills including TNA - Part 6 (107:21)
Video: Public Speaking, Presentation Skills, Training and Delivery Skills including TNA - Part 7 (132:47)
Video: Public Speaking, Presentation Skills, Training and Delivery Skills including TNA - Part 8 (107:11)
Video: Public Speaking, Presentation Skills, Training and Delivery Skills including TNA - Part 9 (140:11)
Video: Public Speaking, Presentation Skills, Training and Delivery Skills including TNA - Part 10 (104:16)
Video: Public Speaking, Presentation Skills, Training and Delivery Skills including TNA - Part 11 (118:43)
Video: Public Speaking, Presentation Skills, Training and Delivery Skills including TNA - Part 12 (141:00)
PPT: Public Speaking, Presentation Skills, Training and Delivery Skills including TNA
PDF: Handout - Sample TNA formats
Complete Image Assignments Like A Pro
Day 01 Webinar Video Complete Assignments Like a Pro (228:05)
Day 02 Webinar Video Complete Assignments Like a Pro (239:29)
Day 03 Webinar Video Complete Assignments Like a Pro (232:35)
Day 04 Webinar Video Complete Assignments Like a Pro (215:59)
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Emotional Quotient - Test your EQ Level
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